Sponsor Licence Compliance Mock Audit

What Is a Sponsorship Compliance Mock Audit?

If you are a business or organisation employing workers from overseas, then you must ensure you are meeting all your immigration obligations otherwise you could be risking your repetition and facing severe criminal charges.

Why Do I Need a Sponsorship Compliance Mock Audit?

Anyone holding a Sponsor Licence is required to keep up-to-date records of all workers and students. This includes conducting Right to Work checks and ensuring copies of overseas workers’ visas are on file as well as accurate contact details.

Failure to comply with UK immigration law could lead to fines of up to £45,000 for a first breach and potentially up to five years imprisonment for repeated offences. With government plans to increase such penalties in the near future and growing evidence that more companies are facing charges, it is more important than ever to ensure you are ready.

What Does a Sponsorship Compliance Mock Audit Involve?

Our tailored service will carry out a full audit of your records of foreign workers to check that you are retaining the correct information and meeting your legal obligations. Involving a full day on-site, the WMYV team will provide advice on how to improve your record-keeping as well as guidance on ensuring you report relevant worker changes to the Home Office.

The mock compliance audit is crucial in highlighting gaps in any processes and employment practices, especially considering recent changes introduced post-Brexit. Our audit team can also give advice on annual Right to Work checks and whether you are meeting the rules surrounding filling vacancies with overseas workers and minimum income requirements.

When Do I Need a Sponsorship Compliance Mock Audit?

Sponsorship Licence holders are encouraged to undergo a compliance audit at least every three years as part of a commitment to complying with immigration laws. In particular, mock audits are especially beneficial for organisations that have recently been granted or are renewing a Sponsor Licence.

Certain industries are also encouraged to make sure they have robust procedures in place to ensure compliance. In particular, businesses related to the catering and food sector can expect to receive a visit from an Immigration official so need to be prepared.

A mock compliance audit is a key way of helping your business follow Home Office regulations and remove the risk of financial or reputation loss.

Our immigration specialists can help your business comply with the immigration laws!

How can We Manage Your Visas help?

Reach out to WMYV to find out more about our bespoke Sponsorship Compliance Mock Audit and how are expert team can help employers be prepared for a visit by the Home Office or UK Visas and Immigration.

With an increase in businesses facing fines because of not meeting their obligations as a Sponsor Licence holder, it is more important than ever then you are confident your current processes are up-to-date and compliant.

Advice Package

Application Package

Fast Track Package

Appeal Package

We offer immigration advice sessions as face to face appointments at all of our UK offices, or via the phone.

Reach out to us for more information or to see how we can help you?

Frequently Asked Questions