Adult Dependent Visa UK

Adult Dependent Visa UK

Talk to our experts to learn more on how to apply for an Adult Dependent visa.

Call us now for immediate help & assistance with your situation. We’re here to help you in person, via the phone or online.

Adult Dependent Visa

As the parent, grandparent, sibling or adult child of a British Citizen or a person with settled status in the UK, you can apply for permission to reside in the UK on an Adult Dependent Visa in exceptional circumstances.

These circumstances may apply when you are in need of long-term personal care which your UK relative can provide. If this proves to be the case, you may be eligible to apply for an Adult Dependent Visa UK.

This visa allows you to join your family in the UK for an unlimited period, as long as the relative is a British Citizen or has settled status in the UK. You can also use this visa if your relative has refugee status or humanitarian protection in the UK. In this case, you will need to apply to settle in the UK when your relative does.

Adult Dependent Visa refused

To have your Adult Dependent Visa refused is not a positive outcome, and can result in a delay in coming to the UK, and extra cost as you have to submit a new visa application.

There is a high refusal rate for this visa category, so it is important to know the common reasons for refusal so that you may avoid them.

Reasons why an Adult Dependent Visa might be refused
  • Failure to provide evidence of the relationship between the UK-based sponsor and the visa applicant
  • Lack of proof showing that the individual requires long-term personal care due to age, illness or disability
  • The Home Office is not convinced that a similar standard of care could not be found in the applicant’s home country
  • Proof of sufficient financial, accommodation, and care maintenance for at least five years was not provided as part of the application

A refusal can be devastating, as well as time-consuming and expensive, so it is important to ensure that your initial application is as strong as possible.

If you do experience a refusal, you may be able challenge the decision through the means of administrative review or by appealing to the First-Tier Tribunal.

It is advisable to discuss your options with an experienced immigration lawyer who can advise you on the best course of action based on your circumstances.

Adult dependent visa help

The Adult Dependent Visa UK is very difficult to get. The application requires a large amount of evidence that the applicant has no access to adequate care in their country of origin. At We Manage Your Visas, we understand the importance of being close to family and we want to help you get the care you need and deserve.

One of our dedicated immigration lawyers will meet with you to determine your eligibility for an Adult Dependent Visa. We will also perform a thorough check to make sure all your documents are sufficient for your application and liaise with the Home Office.

As well as this, your lawyer will write a Letter of Representation to accompany your application. This letter acts in support of your case and makes reference to any current immigration laws or cases which support yours. Get in touch with We Manage Your Visas today or make an enquiry online to see if you are eligible for an Adult Dependent Visa UK.

You can contact us at our offices in London, or Blackburn, or use our office finder to find your closest branch.

Advice Package

Application Package

Fast Track Package

Appeal Package

We offer immigration advice sessions as face to face appointments at all of our UK offices, or via the phone.

Reach out to us for more information or to see how we can help you?

Frequently Asked Questions