British Passport Application

British Passport Application

Applying for a British Passport is the last step of your UK citizenship journey. You can use this document to prove your status as a British national.

What is the British Passport application process?

You can submit your British Passport application process once you have become a British citizen. This document will let you prove your status as a UK national, either after registration or naturalisation.

A passport is a travel document that will allow you to enter and leave the country free from immigration controls. It can also be used as proof of identity for accessing benefits and services and also represents proof of right to work, study and live permanently in the UK.

Our team of immigration lawyers can help you submit your form or apply for a British Passport for your children.

How to apply for a British Passport?

You can request your passport via one of the following methods:

  • Online. This is the cheapest and easiest way to apply since the application wizard will guide you through each step of the process.
  • Post Office Check & Send Service. Your local Post Office will take care of checking your bundle of documents, and they will send it to HM Passport Office by Special Delivery. You will be charged an additional fee for this service.
  • Post. You can directly send your application, along with your supporting documents, to the UKVI. You must not forget to attach the correct postage to your envelope.
  • By appointment. The 1-day Premium and 1-week Fast Track services are only available upon appointment.

If you are applying from abroad, you must follow a different procedure. The process you will have to go through will depend on the particular rules of the country you are applying from.

Important information about your passport application

To avoid any delay in your application, it is essential to fill in each part of your form correctly. When completing your documents, you should keep in mind the following:

  • The name on your passport should match the name that appears on your documentation.
  • If you have changed your name, you must use your new name on your application.
  • You must list all your maiden or previous names.
  • You must enter details of any previous UK passport that you have held.
  • To apply for an adult passport, you must be aged 16 or over (or will be in three weeks from the date of your request).
  • An adult passport is valid for 10 years.
  • If you hold a child passport, you can use it until it expires even if you are over 18.

What documents do I need to apply for a UK Passport?

When submitting your application, you must ensure that you send only your original documents. Photocopies are not accepted, but you can get an official copy of the evidence that you are not able to gather.

The following are the documents required to apply for your first British passport:

  • Your birth or adoption certificate (if you were born in the UK before January 1983)
  • Evidence of one of your parents’ immigration status (if you were born in the UK after January 1983)
  • Your certificate or naturalization or registration, if you were born abroad
  • Your supporting documents
  • Someone who can confirm your identity (if you are applying with a paper form)

If your documents are not in English or Welsh, you must also provide a certified translation.

Do I need a countersignatory?

A counter-signatory is someone of your choice who can confirm your identity. Their role is to confirm that they have known you personally for at least two years and that, to the best of their knowledge, the information you have provided in your application is correct.

Your counter-signatory must:

  • Be a UK or Irish citizenship, and currently living in the UK
  • Be a professional person or be recognised as “a person of good standing in their community”
  • Not be related to you by birth or marriage, nor in a personal relationship with you
  • Not be living at your address
  • Not be working for the Home Office

You will not need a countersignatory if you are applying online or from abroad.

What are the UK Passport fees?

The cost of your British passport will vary depending on the type of application you are making, and from where you are submitting your form.

If you are applying from the UK, you will be charged as follows:

  • Online applications: £82.50
  • Paper applications: £93

These prices are correct as of February 2023.

Will my supporting documents be returned?

All your documentation will be returned separately from your passport once your application is completed. If you wish, you can pay an additional charge for a secure delivery, that will let you track your package. You will be responsible for providing a valid UK address where your documents and passport will be delivered.

Any personal information used or provided during your interview will be destroyed after your passport is issued.

If you need support with your passport application, you can get in touch today.

British passport application refused

It can be a frustrating and expensive experienced when your British passport application is denied. As immigration lawyers, we can advise you on how to submit the strongest possible application for a British passport.

Below are some of the reasons why your British passport application may be refused.

Reasons why a passport application can be refused
  • If the Passport Office cannot verify all the details on an application, they may refuse to issue a passport
  • If a person is being investigated for citizenship deprivation purposes
  • Incomplete application
  • Inaccurate information
  • Unpaid application fee
  • The suspicion that the applicant intends to use the passport for terrorism-related or serious, organised criminal activities

In order to avoid your British passport application being refused, you should meet the following criteria:

  • You can provide proof of your identity
  • You are eligible for a British passport based on your citizenship status
  • There are no other reasons why your passport should be refused

We can assist you if your passport application was refused. Contact us today to get advice from a dedicated immigration lawyer.

Our Application service can give you that extra peace of mind about your British Passport application.

How can We Manage Your Visas help?

At WMYV, we understand the importance a passport can have on your freedom and peace of mind.

Our immigration lawyers can assist you through each stage of the application process.

One of our lawyers will assist you by:

  • checking your documents to ensure that they are sufficient for your application;
  • liaising with the Home Office during the application process;
  • writing a Letter of Representation to support your application; and
  • completing each part of your British passport application form to the highest standard.

Advice Package

Application Package

Fast Track Package

Appeal Package

We offer immigration advice sessions as face to face appointments at all of our UK offices, or via the phone.

Reach out to us for more information or to see how we can help you?

Frequently Asked Questions