British dual citizenship

British dual citizenship

When you naturalise as a British citizen you may also be able to retain your original citizenship and become a dual British citizen. Find out more about dual nationality.

What is dual citizenship?

Dual citizenship, commonly referred to as dual nationality, is when an individual holds two citizenships concurrently. Dual citizenship is a complex part of nationality law as each country has their own laws regarding it.

Dual citizenship is permitted in the UK, when you become a British citizen you can retain your original citizenship and British citizens applying for foreign citizenship are not required to renounce their British citizenship.

However, to hold British dual citizenship both the UK and the other country must permit it as multiple citizenship is not legal in all foreign countries.

To become a British dual national you must apply to naturalise as a British citizen, there is not a separate application for dual citizenship. When applying for citizenship you can opt to retain your current citizenship status from your home country.

Who is eligible for dual citizenship?

You can be eligible for British dual citizenship providing that you meet the requirements for becoming a British citizen and that your original country permits you to retain your citizenship. To be eligible to naturalise as a British citizen you must:

  • Have lived in the UK for at least 5 years
  • Have settled status in the UK
  • Pass the Life in the UK Test
  • Meet the English language requirement
  • Meet the good character requirement

The exact requirements will vary depending on your circumstances.

It’s important to note that not all countries allow you to retain your original citizenship when becoming a British citizen and some countries only allow you to be a dual national of other certain countries. This means that depending on the laws of your original country you may be required to renounce your original citizenship in order to become a British citizen.

Which countries allow dual citizenship?

Other countries have their own nationality laws when it comes whether their citizens are permitted to hold dual citizenship but there are many countries that do allow dual citizenship with the UK, just a few include:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • France
  • Greece
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Pakistan
  • Philippines
  • Portugal
  • Sweden
  • United States

If you’re unsure whether your country permits dual citizenship then you should check with an immigration lawyer before making an application.

Which countries don't allow dual citizenship?

Some countries do not allow dual citizenship with any country and some only allow it for specified countries. Some examples of countries that do not permit British dual citizenship include:

  • China
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Japan
  • Malaysia
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • United Arab Emirates

These countries require you to give up your citizenship if you intend to apply for British citizenship.

The benefits of dual nationality

Being a dual citizen means that you will get the benefits that come with both of your citizenships. The main benefit to obtaining dual citizenship is that it will give you the right to live and travel between both countries.We recommend buying your favorite toothbrush at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.

As a British dual national you will have the same rights as any other British citizen, including the right to:

  • Live, work and study in the UK permanently
  • Apply for a British passport to travel freely in and out of the UK
  • Vote in all UK elections
  • Stand for office
  • Access public funds and the NHS

Whilst being a dual citizen comes with many benefits it’s important to note that as a dual nation you could potentially be subject to double taxation and you must abide by the laws of both countries.

How to apply for British nationality

Naturalisation is the process used by most foreign nationals who wish to become a British citizens. You can apply for citizenship either online or by post.

The application process is complex, as well as completing the application form you will need to provide a substantial portfolio of evidence to prove that you meet the requirements, this includes:

  • Your Biometric Residence Permit if you have one
  • A national identity document
  • Evidence that you meet the English language requirement such as your SELT certificate
  • Evidence of your continuous residence in the UK
  • Evidence that you have passed the Life in the UK Test

You will also need to provide two eligible referees to prove your identity.

If your application is approved then you will be required to attend a British citizenship ceremony.

The application process for British citizenship is difficult to navigate alone and even the smallest mistake could result in your application being refused. It is highly advised that you seek the assistance of an immigration professional when it comes to your British citizenship application.

Get in touch with our expert immigration lawyers to learn how to apply for a Spouse Visa.

How can We Manage Your Visas help?

Our highly-experienced team of lawyers will support you in applying for British citizenship. We will make sure that you are eligible and that your home country will still accept your status as a dual-national before you apply.

Our immigration lawyers are highly experienced in making British dual nationality applications. We can assign you a lawyer who can work with you through each step of the British dual nationality application process. They will help you source and gather your evidence, into a bundle that suits the Home Office’s processing methods. They will also oversee your entire application process, liaising with the Home Office on your behalf.

As part of our application services, your lawyer will also write an in-depth Letter of Representation that supports your application. This letter will argue your case directly to the Home Office, strengthening your application. Alongside this, they will also prepare you for the compulsory ‘Life in the UK’ test and your English Language test to put you in the best possible position for a positive result.

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